Tag Archives: Radio Programming

Playlist Update For March 2008: Spotlight on Taylor Swift ‘Our Song’

Fresh country pop star Taylor Swift tops this month’s most promising hit makers. Taylor Swift who became a household name with her single “Tear Drops On My Guitar” is back with another country cutie track called “Our Song”. C heck out the video.

In the meantime, here are the rest of the March 2008 Playlist Update this month here on RadioJingles.wordpress.com:

Continue reading Playlist Update For March 2008: Spotlight on Taylor Swift ‘Our Song’

Valentines Day Radio Tragedy

Valentine Radio Programming Tragedy

Was your valentine programming yesterday a tragedy? Well, I heard that some of the stations were doing good with their usual valentine specials. But there’s just this one station who reported that their valentine radio day as a crash! It turned out too bad, that the station manager of this station wanted to disappear and didn’t wanna go back on the air!

You know what happened? They thought they were on the air! All the time they thought they were broadcasting, their phones were okay, they can hear something from their monitors, but it turned out that their transmitter was
only sending signals up to 5 meter radius.
